Wednesday, December 7, 2016


"it's okay
i'm okay"
she chants
walking briskly down the crowded grocery aisle
her hand clenched in a bloodless fist

"it's okay
i'm okay"
she mutters
lying in bed at 2:53 a.m.
biting her wrists

"it's okay
i'm okay"
she cries
rocking back and forth on the floor
fingers knotted in her hair

"it's okay
i'm okay"
she gasps
curled into the corner of a bathroom stall
trying to remember how to breathe

"it's okay
i'm okay"
she whispers
sitting alone in her car
cradling her bleeding wrist

"it's okay
i'm okay"
she murmurs
standing on the ledge
arms spread like wings

Friday, December 2, 2016


i hear your heartbeat in every love song
a gentle strumming
drumming in my chest

i feel your embrace in every daydream
a sweet tenderness
a ghostly gentleness too easily vanished

i see your smile in the starlight
a soft reassurance
granting endurance for me to keep going

your ghost is everywhere
but i want you here

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Puzzle Pieces

my fingers trace the texture of tree bark
like puzzle pieces that don't quite fit
a design of growth and change
a beautiful story written in cracks and knobs
i look down at my own flesh
irregular ridges and discoloration
like puzzle pieces that don't quite fit
and i wonder
if they can be beautiful on a tree
can they be beautiful on me?

Monday, November 7, 2016


some days
the words flow like blood from a severed vein
in a violent rush
a bleeding i can't slow
can't stop
some days
the words
must be painfully extracted
like the prick at the doctor's
when they try to draw a drop
needling and kneading till the finger aches black and blue

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Autumn Leaves

she sheds words
the way an autumn tree
sheds its leaves
leaving a trail behind her
of fragmented poetry

Monday, October 31, 2016


Fear of heights, fear of the dark, fear of elevators. 
The last time I was in an elevator was two years ago. I was alone and I felt trapped. I had a panic attack and I haven’t been in one since. 
Fear of crowds, fear of puppets.
A friend tried to make me hug a puppet once and it gave me nightmares. Fear of time, fear of change. Fear of underground, fear of silence. 
I can’t sleep without some sort of noise: a fan or a song. 
Fear of emptiness, fear of pointlessness. 
Everyday I wake up and ask myself why I am still here and I fear never finding an answer. 
Fear of underwater. 
I can’t dive too deep or I feel trapped, crushed.
Fear of outer space. 
I’ve had so many nightmares of floating endlessly in space, surrounded by dark, silent emptiness. 
Fear of perfection. Fear of endings, fear of immortality. 
Even as a child, I remember hearing about heaven and being just as terrified of heaven as I was of hell because it was endless. 
Fear of being normal, fear of being average. 
I’ve always strived to be different, actively seeking ways to go against the flow. 
Fear of death, the unknown. 
What happens when we die? I knew once and now I don’t. 
Fear of not understanding. Fear of failing, fear of not living up to my potential. Fear of grades. 
No matter how many hours I spend on a homework assignment, I still feel as if it wasn't enough.
Fear of not being seen, fear of being seen. 
I feel safer when I am invisible. 
Fear of being trapped. Fear of not living. 
I read books and wonder if I will live a life that means something. I fear that I will spend my life watching other people live and never be brave enough to live myself. 

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Show Me

anita krizzan // poetry to me.:

show me your emptiness
the gaping black hole in your chest
let me feel it's pull
stare into the void
see if i run mad

tell me of your despair
let me taste it on your lips
like bitter almonds
a cyanide stain

let me feel your brokenness
run my fingers over your jagged shards
cut my palm
and bleed

share with me your missing pieces
the hollows in your skin
let me slide my hand in
see how deep they go

teach me your lies
help me master the calculated twists of your tongue
the masterful play of tone and phrase
the ways in which you hide

lead me down your rabbit hole
display your madness before me
introduce me to the monsters in your head
make friends with the demons who whisper in your ear

show me it all
dump all your secrets in front of me
let our monsters dance
and our devils meet

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Fool's Gold


she's the girl
with the salty-lipped smile
and the glass-sharp laugh
she longs for intimacy
but shys away from touch
she is shattered by insecurity
but her gaze is defiant
and her chin is always high
she is the angel
who sold her soul
she is the demon
who is cursed with love
she is the victim
but she is even more the monster
she's the coal in a diamond mine
she's the fool's gold
but damn does she shine

Thursday, September 1, 2016



she was beautiful
but twisted
her charm
i could not have resisted
if i tried
the curve of her smile was a little off kilter
she always giggled during sermons
in serious conversations she had no filter
and the things she found beautiful
were often rather tragic:
a bloom of red warm on white skin
the sting of salt on dry, cracked lips
women's smiles tainted with a hint of sin
and demons dancing in mind's shadows

Tuesday, August 30, 2016



she knuckles her glass
red stains on the rim
lipstick smudged
she stares out the window
blood red lips forming a sad smile
"you're drunk," he says
she laughs
"we're all drunk
drunk on distraction
drunk on the things we can't forget
drunk on the things we're trying to fight
drunk on our pain
drunk on our own addictions"
she throws her head back
takes a swig
"the only difference 
is i'm not trying to hide it anymore."
she pours herself another shot
and drains it
leaving a fresh crimson stain
on a cool glass rim

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

the girl who fell in love

She was the type to fall in love with the moon, and everything that was beautifully unreasonable. ♡:

she was the girl who fell in love
who fell hard and fast

she fell in love with the sunset
a horizon bleeding lilac and gold

she fell in love with ocean waves
crawling up the beach to kiss her feet

she feel in love with the moon
a silver button in the sky, holding her world together

she fell in love with books
the reassuring whisper of their memory-scented pages

she fell in love with words
their rich flavor and beautiful, swirling strokes

she fell in love with music
that gentle, melodic knife that rips the veil and opens the heart

she fell in love with everything
everything but herself

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Twilight Blue

my favorite sky is just after sunset
twilight blue
fading into the horizon
a pale, muted yellow
just a few stars speckled across the expanse
fragments of constellations
not fully formed
the suspense
the moment between
after the day ends
before the night begins
a moment to breathe
a moment to exist

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Sunset Drabble

i wonder what a sunset tastes like
tangy-sweet citrus
or sugary-rich cotton candy?
i wonder what the moon smells like
fresh cleaned cotton
or mild spring violet?
i wonder what the clouds sound like
the crisp rustle of paper
or the soft squish of wool?
i wonder what shadows feel like
stiff, foldable cardboard
or soft, spongy felt?
i wonder what my thoughts look like
wispy grey smoke
or rainbow threads?
i wonder about the color and texture of my emotions
i wonder about the melody and flavor of my dreams
i wonder
do you?

Thursday, August 4, 2016


you touched my heart and it melted like ash
no sash could tie the charred pieces back into their original shape
no tape could keep it together
whether you stay or go i'll never be the same
now shame follows me
swallows me whole
my soul locked up in guilt
my identity now built on shadows and masks
she asks me who i am and i have no answer
your numbing cancer has eaten away my very core
i pour my heart out on the page and it's blank
my tank has only fading stains where my blood-ink used to be
you see, my pen is running dry
and no matter how hard i try, the pages of me are fading as though written in invisible ink
in a blink, another page gone
the most devastating con: erased identity
as if i was never meant to be

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Twilight Musings

She lives the poetry she cannot write. | Oscar Wilde | I sure hope that the people who 'read' my poetry feel a long lasting pleasant emotion...!:

words fail me
i know not how to tell of that i know not how to feel
i cannot explain what i experience
and i do not experience what i do explain
life is contradictory
rhyme and reason are imagined devices
inventions to soothe us
when we think too much
see too much
feel too much
we put things in boxes for fear of not understanding, not knowing
but in so doing
we make it impossible to do those very things
words are such paltry devices
language fails where it is most needed
the things we so desperately need to communicate
are the very things beyond the capacities of communication
in living to capture meaning
we lose it
in trying to simulate feeling
we destroy it
life is not meant to be described or explained
it is meant to be experienced
we get so lost in trying to capture
a moment
that we keep missing it
put down your net
and just watch the moment fly
feel it in your core
take only what is meant to be taken
and then let it go

Tuesday, June 21, 2016


i feel like
a puff of smoke
one breeze away
from fading forever

i feel like
a shadow
should the sun reappear
i'll vanish

i feel like
on a mirror
in the way
to be erased

i feel like
on a forgotten book
fearing remembrance
i will be dispersed
and vanish

i feel like
a lipstick smudge
you don't check the mirror
and wipe me away

Friday, May 27, 2016

Verbal Litter

sometimes i get so mad that it's hard to breathe. so tell me how do you expect me to talk about my demons when they're sitting on my lungs:

i taste the bitter in every sweet
no relief
i see the end of every beginning
spinning into despair
too much care
feeling everything and nothing absolutely
resolutely in pin
gain always outweighed by loss
a toss between worth it and pointless
joyless existence
and yet persistence to live
why am i still fighting a battle i know is lost
a cost too dear i keep paying
praying that this time there won't be so much pain
feeling like i'm going insane
how am i still breathing?
still bleeding when i've already spent every tear i could hold
"it gets better" so i'm told
there is no "new day"
only a new way to hurt
burnt by hope's empty vow
now crushed with the weight of dreams unfulfilled
instilled with trust
now left to rust
i must be broken for these words i have spoken
are too bitter
verbal litter never meant to be said
instead meant to be buried
carried as an invisible weight
the secret fear of our fate
always present but never addressed
unconfessed fear, hopelessness, and rage
the unwritten on every page
because it's easier to fake a smile than to try and explain tears
years spent creaking a mask
and you ask why i'm quiet?
because i'm afraid the riot in my head
will turn my words to lead
verbal bullets: a bleeding out of the war raging within me
you call it sin in me to be this miserable
call my suffering fictional
call me self-centered
so don't be surprised when i am self-censored
i am already worn from fighting my own guilt and accusations
so i don't have strength left to meet your high expectations

Wednesday, May 18, 2016



an ocean
constantly rearranging
a trickle at times
at others a flood
spilling blood
life's veins torn
worn with time
spilling, filling
simultaneously endless and finite
dark night
changing moon, so many faces
no homeostasis
a constant imbalance
reliance on the enigmatic
charged static
felicity: an ideal
not real
nothing to feel no point
a truth, forsooth
no such thing as absolute
shades of grey 
no way to know for certain
a curtain
fluttering between reality and dream
a seam ripped
a coin flipped
a choice
a voice in your fate
not too late
to choose
be your own muse
pick up your pen
write a new end 
or a new beginning
winning is not about when you start but how you finish
don't diminish belief in magic
tragic when we decide that fantasy and reality don't coincide
denied the right to make our own way
to stray down the paths that straddle the line between the substantial and the fanciful
radical worlds that they say we cannot coexist in
persist in your belief that flowers are fairies in disguise
surprise yourself with your sensibility
sensitivity to the beauty and the pain around you

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Like Ivy

Image result for anxiety quotes tumblr

my thoughts are like ivy vines
growing uncontrollably
winding tightly around me
weaving through my rib cage
binding my lungs
slithering through the cracks in my heart
crawling up my throat
wrapping around my tongue so i can't speak
suffocating me
oh so damned slowly
feeling every slither of every leaf all at once and all the time

Tuesday, April 12, 2016


Image result for panic attack quotes

it starts in my chest
a tightness, an ache
like my rib cage has shrunk and there isn't room for my lungs to expand, my heart pounding, bruising against the bones

next it travels to my hands
a jittery, restless feeling
taut like a wire stretched
strained, shaking
tense, locking
tighter and tighter
nails biting palms

my stomach feels as though it has jumped into my throat, leaving my abdomen painfully hollow, thoughts flitting like butterflies from my brain to the empty cavity

my legs are Jenga towers, one wrong move away from crumbling

my thoughts are a tornado, like a rock avalanche drumming, like hail stones pounding, like dead leaves swirling, spinning faster and faster
my heart pounds faster and faster
my breath comes faster and faster

i'm trapped
i can't move
there is a storm screaming inside my head
but i can't move

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

To My Battered Heart

why are you still beating?
a mass of purple bruises and bloodied scars
cracks widening with each persistent thump

why do you still care?
still bearing others' burdens on top of your own
still feeling pain at another's suffering

why do you still trust?
why do you still let people in 
even after they've already left their mark, their scar

why are you still dreaming?
still reaching for the stars even as they fade away
still taking that leap knowing full well it is always followed by the fall

why are you still holding onto hope?
still looking for love
still believing in some kind of happily ever after

my ribs wrap about you like a cage, trying to crush you
my lungs stretch against you like stifling plastic, trying to steal air
my thoughts swirl like a tsunami storm, trying to drown you

and still
you beat

Thursday, March 10, 2016

It's Time to be Brave, Little Angel

It's time to be brave, little angel. | Michael and Fi | Burn Notice:

It's time to be brave, little angel
Time to open up your eyes
The demons are out to play
Pulling you under with icy fingers
It's time to face the shadows

It's time to hold on, little angel
Time to anchor down
The storm is getting stronger
Beating you back into the waves
It's time to cling to something firm

It's time to be strong, little angel
Time to bear your scars
The pain is growing now
Flowing through your veins
It's time to try and stand

It's time to fight, little angel
Time to draw your weapon
The demons are baring their teeth
Roaring in your ears
It's time to go to war

It's okay to be afraid, little angel
Your demons aren't just your imagination
The world can be a shitty place
Full of brokenness and pain
It's okay to want to hide

It's okay to be hurting, little angel
Your pain is real and valid
Let yourself feel the anguish
You don't need to hide it all away
It's okay not to be fine

It's okay to be sad, little angel
Grief is not a sin
Let the tears start the healing
You don't always need to smile
It's okay to cry

It's okay to be broken, little angel
You don't need to hold it all together
Let yourself bleed and break
You don't always need to fix yourself
It's okay to fall apart

It's okay to be downhearted, my darling
Just know you are not alone

Monday, March 7, 2016


spilling from my mouth
pouring from my pen
black ink on white paper
baring my soul
dropping my mask
a reflection
in quick, dark lines

my liberation
my release
scribbles in my journal
scrawls on the page
a place to be real
no fear
no restraint

falling short
never quite right
unable to express the storm inside
trapped by language
not the right meaning
not the right sound

stumbling over each other
hard and fast
same words replaying
over and over
a broken record
scratched and skipping

swirling in my mind
sloshing around like water
can't stop thinking
trapped in my head
drowning in my thoughts

both the chains and the key
my prison and my escape
i live my life on the page
because i'm too scared to live in the world
but i want to

a bridge
or a wall?

Sunday, January 17, 2016


:-) I think we all no matter if we have a religion or spiritual background- regardless in my life I have seen it, most of us that keep going- have some form of faith. not the bible kind- just similar to this- folks this is faith- only way to not get stuck.<3 One thing I have noticed-at 43. XO lacey:

The first glimpse of solid brown in the midst of rolling blue
The grip of rough fingers as you fall toward the ground
The taste of freshwater on cracked lips
The lonely glowing ember in a pile of wet ash

A lone shoot of green bursting from suffocating brown
The first pink glow of dawn
The hiss of a flame being born
A rain drop splattering in the sand

A healing scar on a broken heart
The flutter of a broken wing
The slight upward curve of salty lips
And the softly whispered word, "Wait"