it starts in my chest
a tightness, an ache
like my rib cage has shrunk and there isn't room for my lungs to expand, my heart pounding, bruising against the bones
next it travels to my hands
a jittery, restless feeling
taut like a wire stretched
strained, shaking
tense, locking
tighter and tighter
nails biting palms
my stomach feels as though it has jumped into my throat, leaving my abdomen painfully hollow, thoughts flitting like butterflies from my brain to the empty cavity
my legs are Jenga towers, one wrong move away from crumbling
my thoughts are a tornado, like a rock avalanche drumming, like hail stones pounding, like dead leaves swirling, spinning faster and faster
my heart pounds faster and faster
my breath comes faster and faster
i'm trapped
i can't move
there is a storm screaming inside my head
but i can't move
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