Tuesday, April 5, 2016

To My Battered Heart

why are you still beating?
a mass of purple bruises and bloodied scars
cracks widening with each persistent thump

why do you still care?
still bearing others' burdens on top of your own
still feeling pain at another's suffering

why do you still trust?
why do you still let people in 
even after they've already left their mark, their scar

why are you still dreaming?
still reaching for the stars even as they fade away
still taking that leap knowing full well it is always followed by the fall

why are you still holding onto hope?
still looking for love
still believing in some kind of happily ever after

my ribs wrap about you like a cage, trying to crush you
my lungs stretch against you like stifling plastic, trying to steal air
my thoughts swirl like a tsunami storm, trying to drown you

and still
you beat

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