Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Rose and Thorn

Love is like a fire
Dancing, wild flames
Haunting, moving shadows
Warm and dangerous

Love is like the rain
Gentle, soothing drops
Wild, raging storms
Renewing and sad

Love is like fireworks
Crazy, varied colors
Sparking, erratic fuses
Crazy and unpredictable

Love is like a rainbow
Many sides and colors
It needs a little rain
To truly shine it's brightest

Love is like the sea
Wild, deep, strong
It can be calm and gentle
Or fierce and stormy

Love is like a rose bush
Gorgeous and romantic
But dangerous and thorned
Tragically beautiful and strong

Love isn't always pretty
Love isn't always nice
It can hurt
It can be crazy
It can be tragic

But nonetheless
The truest love
The deepest love
Is the love that endures

Love that accepts good and bad
Embraces dark and light
This love, rose and thorn love
Is the most beautiful love of all

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