Cool bow tie
Tweed Jacket
Gangly limbs
Nervous hands
Unpredictable brilliance
Awkward swag
Child-like excitement
Adorable smile
Man on the run
From his haunted past
Man on the run
Toward the fantastic future
Close companions
Adorable Ponds and sassy River Song
Adventures and wonders galore
Shared with those he holds dear
Vampires in Venice
Good man goes to war
Pandorica opens
Enter Big Bang Two
Tragedy strikes
Accidents in time
Death and loss come again
Leaving hearts cold and empty
Victorian London
Evil snowmen and big G.I.
A girl strangely familiar
One word test passed with ease
New hope, new mission
Saving the world like the old days
Girl dies, yet again
"Run you clever boy"
Girl twice dead returns
Reason to save modern world
Adventures and new life begin
Impossible girl giving new hope
A life of events good and bad
Pain balances bliss
Sorrow counteracts joy
A life of beauty and fear
Worth it?