Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Worth It

Cool bow tie
Tweed Jacket
Gangly limbs
Nervous hands

Unpredictable brilliance
Awkward swag
Child-like excitement
Adorable smile

Man on the run
From his haunted past
Man on the run
Toward the fantastic future

Close companions
Adorable Ponds and sassy River Song
Adventures and wonders galore
Shared with those he holds dear

Vampires in Venice
Good man goes to war
Pandorica opens
Enter Big Bang Two

Tragedy strikes
Accidents in time
Death and loss come again
Leaving hearts cold and empty

Victorian London
Evil snowmen and big G.I.
A girl strangely familiar
One word test passed with ease

New hope, new mission
Saving the world like the old days
Girl dies, yet again
"Run you clever boy"

Girl twice dead returns
Reason to save modern world
Adventures and new life begin 
Impossible girl giving new hope

A life of events good and bad
Pain balances bliss
Sorrow counteracts joy
A life of beauty and fear

Worth it?

Wednesday, December 24, 2014


Christmas season
Holiday cheer
Gifts and goodwill
Family and friends

Presents under the tree
Wrapped in pretty bows
Snow in the air
Fluffy sparkling diamonds

Such a magical time
So much enchantment
Childlike wonder
Warming love

Christmas is about gifts
But not under the tree
Gifts of the heart
Love, joy, and peace

Peace stills souls
Giving rest and calm
Peace is an anchor
Holding us midst life's storms

Joy lifts spirits
Bringing merriment and cheer
Joy gives wings
And lets us soar through life

Love thaws hearts
Providing path and home
Love is a warm fire
Igniting souls for better things

These gifts of the heart
Given by the first Giver
In the living form of Love
Are the true gifts of Christmas

So this Holiday
Give these gifts of love
To one and all you meet
As they are given lovingly to you
By the true Father of the Season

Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 20, 2014


Love isn't romance and roses
Love isn't date night and picnics
Love isn't chocolate and flowers
Love isn't kisses and snuggles

Love is so much darker

Love isn't pretty smiles
Love isn't nice words
Love isn't fluttering hearts
Love isn't hot, handsome or cute

Love is so much deeper

Love isn't simple
Love isn't straightforward
Love isn't warm and fuzzy
Love isn't all happy endings

Love is so much better

Love is understanding and friendship
Love is tearful late night conversations
Love is a listening ear
Love is meaningful hugs

Love isn't "nice"

Love is tears and sweat
Love is honesty and compassion
Love is reliable and solid
Love is tragically beautiful

Love isn't fluffy

Love is complicated
Love is layered
Love is knotty and hard 
Love is sometimes a tragedy

Love isn't easy

Love takes work
Love takes courage
Love isn't always happy
And sometimes love hurts

Love is crazy
Love is painful
Love is devoted
Love is beautiful

Love is bittersweet
But it's worth it

Friday, December 19, 2014


Wake up
Go to work
Come home
Check the internet
Go to bed

Monotonous routine
An endless cycle
A boring life
Ordinary and numb

Until one morning
Routine breaks
The cycle smashes
In a spectacular way

Mannequins come to life
World under attack
Crazy man with flashing tool
Big blue box that flies

Fear and pain
Excitement and danger
Mind awakens
Heart comes to life

Juxtaposition runs the show
Such a tension of ideals
Opposites contradict and fight
Yet exist in a strange form of harmony

Darkness falls over
Light shines out
Evil fights for power
Good strives for better

Enchanting beauty exhilerates
Chilling terror freezes
Hoping love awakens
Doubting fear pierces

A new world is revealed
A world of monsters and heroes
A world of angels and demons
And things undefinable

Routine is gone
Everyday something new
Soaring joy and wild ecstasy
Balanced by engulfing sorrow and loss

So open your heart and feel
The pain and beauty
The fear and love
Opposites and extremes

A world of madness

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Ordinary Human

Blending in the crowd
Going through the motions
Living a cycling routine
With an inevitable end

Feeling unimportant
A speck in the universe
A drop in the ocean
Just an ordinary human

"Ordinary? What's that?"

A voice breaks the shadow
Head lifts, searching the dark

"Unimportant? No such thing"

Thoughts whirl, ears listen
That voice..

"Everything matters, everything is important."

Voice so familiar and warm
Yet so new and wild

Strange light glows 
Whooshing noise hums
An image appears 
And begins to clear

Recognizable visions
Faces from your past
Friends you've had
People you've met

Words you've said
Thoughts you've voiced
Smiles you've beamed
Hugs you've given
Laughter you've ignited

"Unimportant?" the voice speaks up
"No, decidedly not.
These people you've loved
These lives you've changed."

"Do you think that's unimportant?"

Eyes fill with tears
Throat tightens 
Head shakes
Disbelief still shrouding

Images morph
Faces not yet known
Days not yet dawned
Moments in time yet to come

Words not yet spoken
Joy not yet felt
Ideas not yet born
Love not yet experienced
Lives not yet lived

"This is what you will do."
The voice is soft and warm
"These are people you'll inspire
Lives you'll touch."

"Do you think that's unimportant?"

The images fade out
Light disappears
Darkness falls
But the voice lingers

"You changed the course of history
You imagined those ideas
You touched these lives
You loved these people
You, 'ordinary human' 
You are most decidedly important."

The voice quiets
But the warmth lingers
Faces flash in your mind
And you smile

Ordinary human? 
No such thing.
Unimportant person?
Does not exist

You create history
You live in this fantastic universe
You think those beautiful thoughts
You love those people
You are an ordinary human
You are a hero

Do you think that's unimportant?

Monday, December 8, 2014


Hands shake
Light's flicker
Eyes shut
Fear surrounds

She's losing control
She's hurt the ones she loves
She can't escape herself
She can't hide from the pain

Tears slide down her cheeks
Images flash through her mind
Faces of loved ones
Whispers of affection

Suddenly, a voice clicks
Her name on familiar lips
Her eyes open 
A friend, hand outstretched

Fear builds a wall
Hiding, fighting, dying
But a bridge stretches toward her
A hand waiting, reaching

She takes a step back
Fear growing stronger
But the voice calls again
Breaking through the dark

"Love is stronger than fear"
The voice says
"And I, I love you
But that's not enough"

Light dims
Wall grows higher
Darkness rises
Bridge seems to fade

But the voice isn't done
"My love isn't enough"
It continues warmly, lovingly
"Because you need to love yourself"

Wall breaks
Light sparks
Tears fall
But head raises

Staring at hands
Struggling inside
But warmth spreads
As dawn breaks

Eyes raise to the sky
Arms stretched out
Hands open wide
As love flows through

Fear fades away
Lights glow steadily
Sparks stop as heart calms
Smile forms through tears fallen

Tight hug warms once cold spirit
Wall torn down, no longer hiding
Bridge crossed, new path opened
Pain dulled, new hope found

Truth be known
Freedom, hope, and peace
Are all found within
Love's tight embrace

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Only You

You pull at your clothes
You play with your hair
You put on your make up
To face the world
Hiding what's inside

You hide from yourself
From the pain buried deep 
The emotions you keep suppressing
The sorrow and the loneliness
And the thoughts that scare you
The questions and ideas
You're too afraid to share

Don't you know?
Don't you see?

Those tears you cry
They're diamonds
Those scars you hide
They're victory wounds
Those little imperfections
They're your rainbow

Those thoughts you think
They're glittering stars
Those questions you have
They're fountains of gold
Those quirks of yours
They're treasures all your own

You think you need to be better
To be successful and perfect
No scars, no pain, no tears
No doubts, no questions, no fears

If you could only see
Those are the very things 
That make you shine

So lift up your head
Embrace yourself
The good and the bad
The light and the dark
Love who you are
For better or for worse

Recognize your beauty
Embrace your heart
Let your voice be heard
And be Only You

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Hand to Hold

Flying blue box
Stuff of legend
Sonic screwdriver
Timey-wimey stuff

Power over time and space
900 years of story
Multi-faceted energy
But still something missing

Attacking mannequins
Confused young girl
Hands grasp tight
Running for their lives

Save the world
For the billionth time
But this time not alone
This time with a friend

Adventure over 
Time to move on once again
But this time not alone
This time with a companion

All across the universe
Through time and space
Adventures take on a new light
Shared with his Plus One

Inhuman threats
Iconic figures
"Exterminate!" battle cry
Near death escapes

Bad wolf glow
A saving kiss
Danger averted
Not without a price

New day, new face
New quirky manner
This time it's not just his face
It's his heart that's changed

New bonds are formed
Deeper than before
Crazy laughter, playful sport
And hands locked tight

The universe before them
The world at their feet
But the only thing they want
Is what's right beside them

Life is an adventure
Full of stories untold
But it's not worth exploring
Without a hand to hold

Friday, November 28, 2014


Bright as flowers
Dark as coal
Warm as blankets
Cold as snow

Cultured as tea
Raw as grass
Soft as cushions
Hard as stone

Gentle as a summer breeze
Harsh as a blizzard wind
Stable as a mountain
Unpredictable as lightning

Sweet as chocolate
Bitter as tar
Tame as sheep
Wild as the sea

Loud as thunder
Quiet as air
Strong as steel
Fragile as china

It's a merry-go-round
It's a map
It's a puzzle
It's a compass

It gives life
It ends life
It gives purpose
It gives confusion

A world of contraries
A term of many definitions
An emotion often undefinable
What is it?


Wednesday, November 26, 2014


Forests don robes of blazing scarlet and gold
Low, common fields turn brown and cold
Flaming leaves crunch underfoot
Laden, stooping trees let juicy, red apples fall
Bright pumpkins wear creepy grins, scaring one and all
Tired sun hastens to an early bed
Doting sunsets follow him, blushing rosy red
Mother moon rises early
Watching as her little star children play
Dancing amidst the clouds, careless of the impending day
Cranky birds fly south, honking noisily
Deer find winter homes, settling in cozily
Bears begin their winter nap
Frogs burrow deep in blankets of mud
And little chilled bugs take refuge in tree and hut
Cold night air paints frosty landscapes with icy ink
Snapping air turns cheeks and noses pink
Laughing winds play with the airy leaves
Snow-bearing clouds hug the ground
Letting the first sugar flakes sprinkle down

Tables groan under great autumn feasts
Fresh, warm donuts sugary sweet
Turkey dripping with gravy
Apples crunching crisply, juice dribbling down
Delicious pumpkin pies hiding under whip cream mounds

Dancing flames crackle, warming fingers and toes
Blankets, cocoa, and sweaters add to the heat of stoves
Thanksgiving cuddles hinder snowy chills
Warm ovens emit aromas that linger long after
Cozy homes echo with warm and playful banter

Laughter as loud as the honking geese
Friends as colorful and bright as the leaves
Family as close as ground-hugging clouds
Kisses as light as stars dancing in their midnight dome
Hugs as snug as bears cuddling in their winter homes

Sunday, November 16, 2014

You are Beautiful

You don't see it do you?
The beauty in your eyes
The sparkle straight from your soul
The way your smile shines

The brightness of your laugh
So cheerful and warm
The singularity of your movements
Both clumsy and graceful

The way you sing in the shower
Letting it all go without a care
The way you dance in the mirror
Laughing at your reflection
The way you get excited over little things
Like episodes of your favorite show

The things that take your breath away
Good-looking actors or enchanted mountain views
The things that you love to do
Drawing sunsets, singing songs, writing stories
The music you fancy listening to
Reflecting pieces of your heart

Each of these things
Seemingly so small
Are the things that make you beautiful
The things that make you you

No one can replicate your beauty
No one has your thoughts
Your skills are unmatched
Your dreams are all your own

So let your freak flag fly
Let your individuality shine
And above all
Remember this:

You are beautiful!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Rose and Thorn

Love is like a fire
Dancing, wild flames
Haunting, moving shadows
Warm and dangerous

Love is like the rain
Gentle, soothing drops
Wild, raging storms
Renewing and sad

Love is like fireworks
Crazy, varied colors
Sparking, erratic fuses
Crazy and unpredictable

Love is like a rainbow
Many sides and colors
It needs a little rain
To truly shine it's brightest

Love is like the sea
Wild, deep, strong
It can be calm and gentle
Or fierce and stormy

Love is like a rose bush
Gorgeous and romantic
But dangerous and thorned
Tragically beautiful and strong

Love isn't always pretty
Love isn't always nice
It can hurt
It can be crazy
It can be tragic

But nonetheless
The truest love
The deepest love
Is the love that endures

Love that accepts good and bad
Embraces dark and light
This love, rose and thorn love
Is the most beautiful love of all

Monday, November 10, 2014


You cry
But no one sees
You scream
But no one hears
You break
But no one notices
You hurt
But no one realizes

The pain in your eyes
Goes unnoticed
The quietness in your voice
Is seemingly ignored

Why does no one see?
You're drowning

Why do you feel so alone?
So Invisible?

Everyone believes the lies
No one hears your pleading
No one looks past the facade
No one sees

Your pain, so well hidden
You're too afraid to show
No one sees
No one cares

You feel so alone
How can no one hear?
How can no one see?
Why are you so alone?
So Invisible?

You're not

Someone sees you

Someone sees the hurt
Someone sees the tears
Someone hears the screams
And someone cares

Is still real
This pain your feeling
Is real
But so is the love
The love you don't see
It's there
It's real

You are being held tight
By invisible arms
You are being surrounded
By invisible love
You are being watched over
By invisible eyes
But just because it's invisible
Doesn't make it fake
It's real
The love is real

You are seen
You are loved
Someone sees it all
Someone cares more than you know
You are not invisible
You are seen
Someones sees you

I see you