Blending in the crowd
Going through the motions
Living a cycling routine
With an inevitable end
Feeling unimportant
A speck in the universe
A drop in the ocean
Just an ordinary human
"Ordinary? What's that?"
A voice breaks the shadow
Head lifts, searching the dark
"Unimportant? No such thing"
Thoughts whirl, ears listen
That voice..
"Everything matters, everything is important."
Voice so familiar and warm
Yet so new and wild
Strange light glows
Whooshing noise hums
An image appears
And begins to clear
Recognizable visions
Faces from your past
Friends you've had
People you've met
Words you've said
Thoughts you've voiced
Smiles you've beamed
Hugs you've given
Laughter you've ignited
"Unimportant?" the voice speaks up
"No, decidedly not.
These people you've loved
These lives you've changed."
"Do you think that's unimportant?"
Eyes fill with tears
Throat tightens
Head shakes
Disbelief still shrouding
Images morph
Faces not yet known
Days not yet dawned
Moments in time yet to come
Words not yet spoken
Joy not yet felt
Ideas not yet born
Love not yet experienced
Lives not yet lived
"This is what you will do."
The voice is soft and warm
"These are people you'll inspire
Lives you'll touch."
"Do you think that's unimportant?"
The images fade out
Light disappears
Darkness falls
But the voice lingers
"You changed the course of history
You imagined those ideas
You touched these lives
You loved these people
You, 'ordinary human'
You are most decidedly important."
The voice quiets
But the warmth lingers
Faces flash in your mind
And you smile
Ordinary human?
No such thing.
Unimportant person?
Does not exist
You create history
You live in this fantastic universe
You think those beautiful thoughts
You love those people
You are an ordinary human
You are a hero
Do you think that's unimportant?
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