Friday, May 29, 2015

I Need Your Help!!!!!!! :)

Hello my beautiful readers!!!! :)

So, I know my posts have been a bit sporadic of late, but I am hoping I can be a bit more regular now that summer has started. However, I need your help.

I started this blog because I wanted an outlet to share my thoughts. But I also started it because more than anything I want to make a difference. I want my words to mean something, I want them to be able to help people, maybe even inspire them. I know that this blog is only seen by a few people, but I hope that somehow, maybe just one post touches one heart. Now here's where I need your help.

I want you guys to tell me what to write about. I want you guys to give me ideas about topics or thoughts that you want to explore. This blog is mainly poetry as I have found it one of the best ways to communicate my thoughts. But I am willing to slip into narrative blogs (like this one) if the topic better fits this format. So please, please, PLEASE comment and tell me your ideas!!! What kind of topics do you want to see explored? Do you prefer the poetry or the narrative or both? And also, if you'd like, please share an experience or thought of your own!!! I would love to hear from you! I don't want this conversation to remain one sided!!!

I am currently working on one or two more poetry pieces to post, but I really want to hear from you before I start any new posts. So please comment and tell me what you guys want. what speaks to you. I love feedback and I want this blog to be for all of you who read it as much as it is for me!!! :)

Thank you to each and everyone of you for reading this blog! I sincerely hope that somehow it may have helped you!!!! I love you all!!!!

A Dreamer

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