Wednesday, October 22, 2014


Behind a broad smile
Can be so many tears
Behind a loud laugh
Can be a silent scream
Behind warm compliments
Can be burning envy
Behind silence
Can be hundreds of words

Behind indifference 
Can hide deep seated feeling
Behind seeming confidence
Can hide hollowing insecurity
Behind apparent dislike
Can hide genuine affection
Behind outward happiness
Can hide deep hurting sorrow

Icy manner
Can hide fear and hurt
Constant talking
Can cover inner emptiness
Apparent snobbishness
Can really be misunderstood shyness
Angry behavior
Can be concealing deep pain

Lots of makeup
Can cover tears and scars
Smart remarks
Can hide smarting wounds
Arrogant strength
Can hide weakness and self-doubt
Perfect appearances
Can hide frailty and torment

Outward appearances
Can and do deceive
Smoke and mirror play
Oftener than you realize
So never assume
Never judge
Because you can never truly know
What really hides