Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Once Upon a Time

I tend to avoid modern TV shows. I feel that they are too depressing or too superficial. But occasionally I make an exception. And Once Upon a Time is one of those exceptions.

For those of you who don't know, Once Upon a Time is a show about fairy tale characters in a modern day world with a modern twist. They mix and connect almost every fairy tale known to man. Worlds and stories blend into one fantastic, mind blowing mix. Characters have unique personalities, complicated relationships and confusing pasts.  Everyone is related in some way but everyone has their own journey. 

Some of the best written characters in this show are the villains. The layers of complexity and depth they have is fascinating and illuminating. Each villain goes through constant battles between their good and bad nature. Sometimes the good wins and sometimes the bad wins. It is such an honest depiction of what we as human beings go through every day. 

Each villain is different. They go through different journey's and choose different paths. The three who really stand out to me are Hook, Rumple, and Regina. 
Hook completely changes colors. He starts  the redemption process for his love, Emma Swan, and continues to change for the better. Though he never truly leaves his pirate identity, he becomes a hero nonetheless, 
Rumpelstiltskin continually battles between his dark nature and his desire to be a good man for his love, Belle's, sake, He is the unpredictable villain who could go either direction. Depending on the circumstances, you could find him on either side of the morality line.
Regina also changes colors but still struggles with her dark ways. She battles with resentment and bitterness,and is always just on the edge. She has probably come the farthest of the three, but she is still bad ass and keeps a little of her darkness, even in the midst of her redemption.

Although very different in their paths and personalities, many of the villains have common threads. All three villains mentioned change mainly for the sake of someone they love: for Hook, Emma, for Rumple, Belle, and for Regina, Henry. They all continue to struggle with the darkness in them, Rumple and Regina more than Hook. Each realize that some of the darkness in them (each on different levels) will never leave and they're okay with that. They strive to be good but still accept that there is darkness in them.

The lessons each of these villains teach us are valuable. Hook teaches us that you can be a pirate but still be a hero. Rumple teaches us that we have good and bad in us and we choose which to act on. And Regina teaches us that  sometimes doing the "bad" thing is what is needed to save someone.

We all have good and bad and it's up to us to choose which we act on. No one is pure good and no one is pure evil. Human's are more complicated than that. While we shouldn't choose to do the wrong thing, we all need to accept the fact that we are just as capable of evil as a murderer, a prostitute, or a thief. But we also need to know that God loves us completely: including the hellish parts. 

And that leads me to my final point. What was it that brought out the best in each of these villains? Was it trying to be good for good's sake? Was it because they decided they should follow the rules so they could be thought well of. No. It was because of love! Each of these villains started doing good because they loved someone! And because someone loved them. Love is the key to all things good. Love is what motivates people to be better. Love is what makes people better. Not following all the rules. Not being a goody two shoes. Not being nice because you want to be thought well of. Goodness stems from love. Love is the only thing that can cause deep, root transformation in human beings. That is why the gospel is truth. Because it doesn't teach morals, it teaches love.

There are hundreds of things these characters can teach us, some darker than this one, but the one I walked away from this time is this: Love is what transforms. Love is what allows us to reach for the light while accepting the dark. Love is what allows a pirate to be a hero. 

Wednesday, October 22, 2014


Behind a broad smile
Can be so many tears
Behind a loud laugh
Can be a silent scream
Behind warm compliments
Can be burning envy
Behind silence
Can be hundreds of words

Behind indifference 
Can hide deep seated feeling
Behind seeming confidence
Can hide hollowing insecurity
Behind apparent dislike
Can hide genuine affection
Behind outward happiness
Can hide deep hurting sorrow

Icy manner
Can hide fear and hurt
Constant talking
Can cover inner emptiness
Apparent snobbishness
Can really be misunderstood shyness
Angry behavior
Can be concealing deep pain

Lots of makeup
Can cover tears and scars
Smart remarks
Can hide smarting wounds
Arrogant strength
Can hide weakness and self-doubt
Perfect appearances
Can hide frailty and torment

Outward appearances
Can and do deceive
Smoke and mirror play
Oftener than you realize
So never assume
Never judge
Because you can never truly know
What really hides

Sunday, October 19, 2014


The library is my home
My place of refuge
My heaven
I love it's enchantment
It's romance
It's mystery

Walls lined with books 
Old fashioned decor
The musty scent of books
Dim lamplight shadows
The feel of the smooth pages 
Rough binding under my fingertips 
Sends shivers through my spine. 
Magic charges the air
Objects alight with spell

Mystery and knowledge
Love and hate
Reality and day dreams
Emotions and facts
Seeming contradictions
Excitement and calm
Contentment and ambition
Safety and exposure
Boldness and vulnerability
The library houses all in harmony

Libraries are peaceful. 
Still and quiet
Libraries are inspiring. 
Each book teaches a lesson
Libraries are romantic. 
Romance fuels imagination
Libraries are freeing. 
Allowing me to fly
Libraries are safe.
Secure and warm

In a library, 
I can be an introvert. 
I can dive into a good book.
I can sit and be inspired. 
I can write my thoughts and ideas.
I can daydream.

The library is alive
With depth, 
With variety,
With knowledge,
With imagination, 
With romance, 
The library is my home.
It is part of who I am.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

This Girl

I look in the mirror
And see a face
A face unfamiliar and new
Looking back at me
A new person
I don't recognize
A girl
Dark and Frightening

Her eyes watch
Guarded but searching
Darkened but still glowing softly
Reflecting thoughts emotions and dreams

Her mouth parts
Asking scary questions
Giving even scarier answers
Sharing thoughts mysterious and bold

Her heart beats
Broken and exposed
Feeling everything so deeply
Both ecstatic and grieving

Her mind turns
Open and thoughtful
Trying new ideas
Thinking new thoughts

Where is the girl I knew?
The girl who stayed hidden and naive
The girl whose heart was so strong
The girl who kept inside the lines
The girl who lived so cautiously
The girl who stayed protected
The girl who was so safe

She's gone
She is no more

This new girl has taken her place
This girl who faces the rain and dark
This girl whose broken heart still beats
This girl who steps out of the borders
This girl who lives so recklessly
This girl who feels everything so deeply
This girl who is so vulnerable

But as I look at this new girl
A strange thought comes into my head
"Is this new girl really so bad?"

Who said facing the rain and the dark is taboo?
Maybe it's what helps make us shine.

Who said being broken is something to avoid?
Maybe being broken makes us stronger

Who said stepping out of the lines is wrong?
Maybe it's how progress is made

Who said living recklessly is bad?
Maybe that's what makes life interesting

Who said feeling things is a danger?
Maybe that's what makes us human

Who said being vulnerable is a problem?
Maybe that's how we live life to the fullest

And as I think I realize that maybe
Just maybe 
This girl, so bold and unguarded
Is just as special
Is just as powerful
And just as beautiful
As the girl I used to see

And that maybe
Just maybe
This girl, daring and vulnerable
Is exactly who God made me to be

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Beauty in the Dark

Why are we so afraid of darkness?
Why do we hate the rain?
Is darkness really evil?
Is rain really gloomy?
Or do we choose to see them as such?
Could the dark be beautiful?
Could the rain bring joy?

Without the dark
We could not see the stars
Without the rain
There would be no rainbows
Without evil
We would not know what good is
Without sorrow
We could not appreciate joy
Without the pain and trials
We would never value happiness
What is relaxing in the sun
Compared to dancing in the rain?
And what is the natural shine of the sun
To the magical glow of the moon and stars?
The stories we love the most
Are fables of facing the darkness
Are tales of journeying through the rain
Our favorite moments are
The stargazing:
Making wishes and sharing dreams
The thunder storms:
Romantic rescues and dramatic battles
The dark caves:
Hiding dangers and concealing treasures
The rain showers:
Grieving deaths and cleansing hearts
Darkness can be beautiful
Rain can bring delight
Moonlit nights are magical
Rainy days bring adventure
Stars inspire dreams
Rain promises romance
So embrace the darkness
Welcome the rain
They add depth to character
They add romance and spice to life
And they teach us true love
Because only Love
Finds beauty in the dark
And joy in the rain