Sunday, September 14, 2014

It's Okay


You smile, but your heart is breaking
You laugh, but your soul is crying
You're breaking
The sun is out, but your mind is dark
The air is warm, but you still shiver
You're Cold
You kick yourself, feeling guilty and ashamed
Why can't you find your way out?
You're scared
You want to be tough
You want to be strong
But your heart is still cracked
Your emotions are still raging
You feel insecure
You feel fragile
You put on a brave face
Thinking it will go away
But it doesn't
You don't have to be strong
You don't have to go it alone
It's okay to be a little lost
You don't have to be so tough
You're not alone
You're not worthless
You're human
You are special
You are loved
Someone's waiting to help you
Someone loves you more than you know
You can let your walls down
It's okay not to be okay
You're not alone
You're not alone
Someone loves you
Someone cares
It's okay to be broken
It's okay to be fragile
It's okay

1 comment:

  1. This is a very personal poem and I hope that it helps at least one person who reads it. "It's okay to be broken. It's okay to be fragile. It's okay!"
