I'm a mess
I'm an utter klutz! I spill, break, or knock over anything and everything within a five foot radius. I trip over my own feet, I get stuck in the snow, I fall off of chairs, swings, tables: basically anything that is off of the ground. I can spill coffee that has a lid on it. I have cut my mouth with toast. I'm an expert at hurting myself in stupid, bizarre ways. I'm a may-just-be-the-next-generations-definition-of-klutzy klutz.
I'm a mess
I am, more than I care to admit to people, an emotional wreck. I tend to get upset over little things. I cry and laugh easily. I also tend to hide if I'm struggling. I don't like telling other people that I am in a very rough place, that I am lost or hurt. I just can't do it. But I still feel things easily and deeply. Movies and books make me cry and I laugh long and loud over little things. I'm an emotional basket case.
I'm a mess
I also struggle with jealousy, envy, and selfishness. I tend to compare myself to others, judge myself based on what I see others doing. I get jealous of other people's looks, talents, personalities and their confidence. I tend to look for love and support from my friends rather than seeking to love and support them. I tend to feel sorry for myself and lately, I've been struggling with guilt and feelings of worthlessness. I wonder why God bothered to put me on earth. I wonder what good I could possibly be doing. I doubt my worth and I even occasionally doubt if God could love me.
So yes, I am a complete, utter mess. But that is not all I am.
Last night I watched a new movie called, "Mom's Night Out" (Highly recommend it for anyone! Great film! One of the best modern movies I have seen in a long time!) Toward the end there was one scene that really struck me. I'm going to post it below, so you can see it, but the scene is when everything has gone completely wrong. The night has turned out horribly. Allyson (the mom) is blaming herself, saying how she just isn't enough. Bones, a biker friend of Allyson's half-sister-in-law (it's complicated, watch the movie :) ) listens for a moment. When she's finished he speaks up.
I'll admit, I shed some tears watching this scene. A ray of light shone through the dark fog I had been struggling with. I realized something: Yes, I was a mess but that's okay! God made me just as I am. He loves me, just as I am, klutzy, emotional, selfish, screwed up human being that I am. Nothing will ever change his love for me. Nothing!
I'm going to end with a quote from the movie. Right at the end, Allyson sits down to write a blog post. She ends the post with theses words, which I feel sum up what I am trying to say pretty well:
So embrace the beautiful mess that you are. God loves that mess. I love that mess. It's what makes us each so special. We are beautiful messes. And that's just perfect.