Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Beautifully You

In today's culture, one of the toughest things that people struggle with is accepting themselves. They have a hard time believing in who they are. They doubt that they have any worth or value. Now, this is not true for everyone everyday, but every human being has at one time or other doubted themselves, including me.

I have a few things I'd like to say on this topic. Before I start, I understand that there are millions of other articles that cover this exact same subject and probably have the same points. Nonetheless, I hope at least one point will be helpful and encouraging to at least one person. If so, then this post will be a success.

The first thing that you should know is that God created you to be you! You are the only you there ever will be. You have something to contribute. You have a unique set of personality traits, dreams, talents, and quirks that no one else will ever have. Embrace them! Love who you are, who God created you to be.

One thing that I have recently thought of is this: all those famous people in history, why were they famous? The bottom line is they were famous because they were different. No one ever became famous for being like every one else. No one ever became famous for fitting in. In fact, very few people ever became famous for being "cool". Most famous people were doubted, made fun of or jeered at. It wasn't till after they died that they were "cool".

Being "a cool kid" isn't going to matter one bit five years from now. It won't have any major effect on your life, unless you let it. Being different, being you, may lead to some mean remarks and rude comments. But think about the rewards. You will be able to look in the mirror and embrace and love what you see. You will have true friends who love you for who you really are. And you will do amazing things. Just by being who you are can make the world a little more real, a little more worth living in.

For me, one of the most beautiful things is seeing someone embrace who they are, being genuine, being uniquely them. Loving yourself is one of the first steps to living a full and meaningful life.

I'd just like to close with  a new song by Colbie Callait, you may have heard it. It's called "Try" and it basically says what I am trying to say. Remember, being you is the best thing you can be.

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