Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Beautifully You

In today's culture, one of the toughest things that people struggle with is accepting themselves. They have a hard time believing in who they are. They doubt that they have any worth or value. Now, this is not true for everyone everyday, but every human being has at one time or other doubted themselves, including me.

I have a few things I'd like to say on this topic. Before I start, I understand that there are millions of other articles that cover this exact same subject and probably have the same points. Nonetheless, I hope at least one point will be helpful and encouraging to at least one person. If so, then this post will be a success.

The first thing that you should know is that God created you to be you! You are the only you there ever will be. You have something to contribute. You have a unique set of personality traits, dreams, talents, and quirks that no one else will ever have. Embrace them! Love who you are, who God created you to be.

One thing that I have recently thought of is this: all those famous people in history, why were they famous? The bottom line is they were famous because they were different. No one ever became famous for being like every one else. No one ever became famous for fitting in. In fact, very few people ever became famous for being "cool". Most famous people were doubted, made fun of or jeered at. It wasn't till after they died that they were "cool".

Being "a cool kid" isn't going to matter one bit five years from now. It won't have any major effect on your life, unless you let it. Being different, being you, may lead to some mean remarks and rude comments. But think about the rewards. You will be able to look in the mirror and embrace and love what you see. You will have true friends who love you for who you really are. And you will do amazing things. Just by being who you are can make the world a little more real, a little more worth living in.

For me, one of the most beautiful things is seeing someone embrace who they are, being genuine, being uniquely them. Loving yourself is one of the first steps to living a full and meaningful life.

I'd just like to close with  a new song by Colbie Callait, you may have heard it. It's called "Try" and it basically says what I am trying to say. Remember, being you is the best thing you can be.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Carpe Diem!

Last night I watched a movie called "The Dead Poets Society" starring Robin Williams. (If you haven't seen it I highly suggest you watch it. Warning: it is a tear jerker.) It is one of the most inspirational movies I have ever seen. One of the best parts of the movie is towards the beginning. Mr. Keating (played by Robin Williams) takes his English class out into the foyer. He directs them to inspect the pictures of the past students.

"They're not that different from you, are they?" he says, pointing at the pictures, "Same haircuts. Full of hormones, just like you. Invincible, just like you feel. The world is their oyster. They believe they're destined for great things, just like many of you, their eyes are full of hope, just like you. Did they wait until it was too late to make from their lives even one iota of what they were capable? Because, you see gentlemen, these boys are now fertilizing daffodils. But if you listen real close, you can hear them whisper their legacy to you. Go on, lean in. Listen, you hear it? - - Carpe - - hear it? - - Carpe, carpe diem, seize the day boys, make your lives extraordinary."

Now, this is only one of the many inspirational quotes that this movie has. But this one is the one that first struck me. Carpe Diem is a Latin term which translates to "Seize the day": Seize the day. Grasp the moment.  Live life to the fullest. Now what does that mean exactly?

Carpe Diem means live every moment like it's your last. Well, what does that mean? It means do what makes you feel alive. Don't waste your life on things that won't matter. Don't just live. Be alive. Keep in mind the things that really matter and do those more. Be bold, be impetuous. Love constantly. Laugh often. Pursue your dreams. More likely than not, you won't regret it.

Now, I am not saying blow off work and school and just party. Not at all. What I am saying is that in every situation: at school, at work, at home, in your free time, basically everywhere and anywhere you are, live that moment to it's fullest.

At school, pay attention to what you're learning. Put your best into your homework. Not because you want a good grade, but because it is one of the most rewarding feelings to do your best. Because learning is a precious gift. You learn everyday, and not just in the classroom. Life is a learning experience, one that never ends. Learning is an adventure, more rewarding and exciting than any action movie or video game. Pursue learning. You won' regret it!

At work, do the best you can at your job. Even if it goes unnoticed, your own feeling of accomplishment will be a reward. Being a hard worker will serve you the rest of your life. Also, talk to your coworkers, make friends with them. Making friends is always a worthwhile pursuit. And it will make work that much more enjoyable.

At home, be respectful to your parents. Be kind to your siblings. Enjoy the time you have with them. Love them. Laugh with them. Treasure every special moment. Your family is one of the greatest gifts you have. Don't miss it.

And in your free time, do what makes you feel alive. Read a book. Go for a walk. Draw or paint something. Hang out with friends. Do what makes you feel alive, pursue your dreams. You don't have to wait around. You can do it right now.
I also want to point out that living life to the fullest will look different for different people. Why? Because every human is different, unique. What we each are passionate about, what we pursue, what makes us alive, will be different for each person. And that is absolutely perfect.
For me, as a Christian, living life to the fullest is recognizing that God is everywhere. It is seeing His love in a  sunset, hearing it in a song on the radio, feeling it in a hug from a friend. I feel most alive when I am loving God and the people around me. I feel most alive when I feel God's love and share it with those around me. Love is never wasted, never regretted, and it is what makes humanity alive. That is why Jesus taught love. It is the heart of the gospel, the heart of life. 
Now, this post may seem a little preachy. It may seem a little ridiculous. But before you write this off as some motivational junk that I just made up, I want to say one last thing.
Just because I am sharing this doesn't mean I expect everyone to agree with me. I expect some people to scoff at this, to ignore it or write me off as a nut. That's okay. I'm fine with that. I understand. But I also hope that at least one person will be inspired, will feel encouraged. If just one life is changed, just one heart encouraged, than this post was a success. Jesus teaches that every soul is precious, every life is special. I believe this wholeheartedly. I'm not trying to change the world. I'm trying to change a life.
Now it's your turn. You choose. I won't pressure you one way or the other. Do what you believe to be right. Listen to your heart, listen to you conscious. And if you so choose, Carpe Diem!

Monday, August 11, 2014

Reading: The Best Form of Magic


I love books. I love the way they fit in your hand, as you hold it open. I love the way the pages rustle as you turn them. I love the printed words, neat and orderly, working together to transport you to a different world. I love the way they smell (yes, I smell my books), each one slightly different, but all with that comforting old and just a tad musty scent. I love the illustrations on the cover, giving just a small taste of the wonders the book contains. I love the adventure you inevitably find in between the pages.

I love to read. I love how running my eyes over words on a page can magically transport me to another place, to another life. I love to journey to far off places and experience the romance and adventure beyond every cover. I love to lose myself in the lives of the characters, living their story right along with them. I love reading the words and having images and glimpses of the story play through my head. I love the different styles of the authors, each with a different charming characteristic that pulls you in. I love the magic that reading is.

Why do I love reading so much? Truth is, I have dozens of reasons I could probably give. If I sat and thought long enough about it, I could spend the rest of my life listing them off. But, as we both have limited time and things to do, I'll only list the first few that come to mind.

1. Books are the best teachers.
Fiction or non-fiction, the lessons you can learn from books are endless. Non-fiction books can teach you just about anything depending on the subject: engineering, math, science, art, history, etc. Fiction also teaches, but it teaches more values and morals than facts. Depending on the story, you can learn about loyalty, love, trust, friendship, the list goes on and on! Each book has at least one thing you can learn from it. And the best thing is, if you don't get something the first time, you can go back and read it again! Books are the most patient of teachers, and they are there whenever you want them.
2. Reading is the most stimulating form of entertainment.
One of the things reading is valued for is as a form of entertainment. It was around long before movies or video games, and in many ways is a higher form of entertainment. It is not simply engaging, it is stimulating. Reading grows the mind and encourages the imagination. One of the most fascinating things about books is that, in a sense, no two people ever read the same book. Each person will learn something different from the same book. They will take away a slightly different lesson or value. They will notice different metaphors or foreshadowing while missing others. They will see the characters, places, and even some of the actions performed, more or less differently from someone else. No other form of entertainment allows so much freedom for thought and imagination

3. Books are fun.
Books really are fun. Fun to read, but also fun to play with. I love to look at the illustration on the cover and try and figure out what part of the book it was inspired by. I love to just hold them, feel the cover, rustle the pages. I love to smell my books. I know, it's weird, but each book has a different smell, it gives them personality. I have also found that snapping hardcover books shut makes a most delightful sound. And of course I'd be remiss if I didn't mention that books can also be great weapons! :D

4. Reading is magic.
If you think about it, reading really is magic. Reading open doors in our minds, allows us to enter new dimensions, learn new ideas, and experience adventures that we wouldn't be able to otherwise. It transports us to new worlds, allows us to live different lives It is the only successful method of time travel and even allows us to journey to lands of magic. Also, as I mentioned before, the same book can be different for each person. In a sense, it can tailor itself to your personality and ideas! All this from marks of ink on a piece of paper! If that is not magic, than nothing is.

Why did I spend all this time listing some of the reasons that I love reading? Well, two reasons. 1) I just wanted to rant about reading and 2) I was hoping that maybe I could inspire at least one person to open a book, to experience this magic themselves. Just go to your library, look around until you find a book that just jumps at you. It doesn't have to be a huge book, a well known book, or anything like that.  It could be about anything: spaceships, alien, romance, pirates, caterpillars, worms, anything! Just open that book and turn the page. It might just change your mind on books. It might, I'm not guaranteeing it, but it just might change your life as well.

Now, as I said in my first post, this blog is not just me sharing my thoughts, it's about you sharing yours as well. I want to hear your opinions on reading. What are some of the reasons you love reading? What are some of the reasons you hate it? Who is your favorite author and/or book? Have you ever read a book that changed you?  Please share your thoughts in the comments.  I want to hear your thoughts, ideas, and opinions. I'm dying to know what you all think. So please, share your unique thoughts. I can't wait to hear them! :)

A Reader

Friday, August 8, 2014


Who am I?

I'm a passionate dreamer. I am always day dreaming and am beginning to dream about the future more and more. I'm an avid reader. I LOVE books. I love the lessons they teach, the thoughts they provoke, the romance they lend. I'm an ardent writer. Next to reading, writing is my favorite thing to do. I have dozens of journals and love to write in them. I am a hopeless romantic. I can find the romance in any situation, and when it is lacking create it.

I'm a teenager, just beginning to live my life. Little by little I am growing. I'm discovering who I am and what I believe. And this is why I have started this blog.

The main reason for this blog is because I want to share my perspective and my thoughts with the world. I want to inspire other teens to find their voice and share their unique outlook on life. I want to inspire other people to stop and think, ponder, dream. I don't know about you, but I feel most alive when I am thinking, when I am learning, when I am embracing life with my heart and soul. So, this blog is nothing special. But if it manages to touch the life and heart of even just one person, then it will be more than worth it.

I should mention that I am a Christian. This is not a "Christian" blog per-say, but it is written by a Christian and will thus show that worldview. Nonetheless, I hope that both Christians and non-Christians will be able to enjoy and be inspired and encouraged by my posts.

Now, what will this blog be about? Well, this will basically be a place where I share my thoughts on life, where I share pieces of my dreams, where I share my beliefs. I hope that readers will share their own thoughts in the comments. I wish to encourage thought and discussion, not just share my thoughts, but to hear yours as well. Topics I write about will include religion, life, books, writing, and anything else I feel inspired to write. I hope that my posts will lead to discussions in the comments where different thoughts can be shared by the readers. This blog is as much about you as it is about me.

Well, I think that's about all for now. I hope to see you all soon in my next post!

A Dreamer