Tuesday, March 7, 2017


she is my shooting star
lighting up my sky
burning bright and promising
crashing into me
leaving a smoldering crater in my universe
her smile makes gravity irrelevant
her eyes are a spark
when they meet mine
it starts a fire, sucking all the oxygen out of the room
i know ive been told not to play with fire
but i never could resist the beauty of a flame

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Thought Constellations

i think about the stars
i wonder if they're souls of the dead
shining to let us know we're really not alone
i think about how every moment passes
slipping away like grains of sand pulled into the ocean
lost forever
i think about how if i say this sentence out loud
my whole world could rearrange itself
i wonder what the sunset would sound like if it made a sound
a haunting melody of colors
i dream up the moment we kiss
down to the last detail
knowing if i daydream it
it will never happen
i imagine spirits in the smoke of a blown out candle
escaping from the flame
released by a breath to roam free
and then vanish
i think  about how big the universe is
and yet how finite
i think about all the stories etched and erased in the sand
initialed hearts washed away by the tide
dancing footprints blown away by the breeze
i think about how clocks are the heartbeat of time
and wonder what happens when it stops
i consider the differences between romance and friendship
i wonder if there are any
i think about what a naive promise forever is
i wonder if death is the beginning or the end