Wednesday, December 7, 2016


"it's okay
i'm okay"
she chants
walking briskly down the crowded grocery aisle
her hand clenched in a bloodless fist

"it's okay
i'm okay"
she mutters
lying in bed at 2:53 a.m.
biting her wrists

"it's okay
i'm okay"
she cries
rocking back and forth on the floor
fingers knotted in her hair

"it's okay
i'm okay"
she gasps
curled into the corner of a bathroom stall
trying to remember how to breathe

"it's okay
i'm okay"
she whispers
sitting alone in her car
cradling her bleeding wrist

"it's okay
i'm okay"
she murmurs
standing on the ledge
arms spread like wings

Friday, December 2, 2016


i hear your heartbeat in every love song
a gentle strumming
drumming in my chest

i feel your embrace in every daydream
a sweet tenderness
a ghostly gentleness too easily vanished

i see your smile in the starlight
a soft reassurance
granting endurance for me to keep going

your ghost is everywhere
but i want you here