Sunday, November 27, 2016

Puzzle Pieces

my fingers trace the texture of tree bark
like puzzle pieces that don't quite fit
a design of growth and change
a beautiful story written in cracks and knobs
i look down at my own flesh
irregular ridges and discoloration
like puzzle pieces that don't quite fit
and i wonder
if they can be beautiful on a tree
can they be beautiful on me?

Monday, November 7, 2016


some days
the words flow like blood from a severed vein
in a violent rush
a bleeding i can't slow
can't stop
some days
the words
must be painfully extracted
like the prick at the doctor's
when they try to draw a drop
needling and kneading till the finger aches black and blue

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Autumn Leaves

she sheds words
the way an autumn tree
sheds its leaves
leaving a trail behind her
of fragmented poetry