Fear of heights,
fear of the dark, fear of elevators.
The last time I was in an elevator was two
years ago. I was alone and I felt trapped. I had a panic attack and I
haven’t been in one since.
Fear of crowds, fear of puppets.
A friend tried to
make me hug a puppet once and it gave me nightmares. Fear of time, fear of
change. Fear of underground, fear of silence.
I can’t sleep without some sort
of noise: a fan or a song.
Fear of emptiness, fear of pointlessness.
Everyday I
wake up and ask myself why I am still here and I fear never finding an answer.
Fear of underwater.
I can’t dive too deep or I feel trapped, crushed.
Fear of
outer space.
I’ve had so many nightmares of floating endlessly in space,
surrounded by dark, silent emptiness.
Fear of perfection. Fear of endings, fear
of immortality.
Even as a child, I remember hearing about heaven and being just
as terrified of heaven as I was of hell because it was endless.
Fear of being
normal, fear of being average.
I’ve always strived to be different, actively
seeking ways to go against the flow.
Fear of death, the unknown.
What happens
when we die? I knew once and now I don’t.
Fear of not understanding. Fear of
failing, fear of not living up to my potential. Fear of grades.
No matter how
many hours I spend on a homework assignment, I still feel as if it wasn't enough.
Fear of not being seen, fear of being seen.
feel safer when I am invisible.
Fear of being trapped. Fear of not living.
read books and wonder if I will live a life that means something. I fear that I
will spend my life watching other people live and never be brave enough to live