Friday, May 27, 2016

Verbal Litter

sometimes i get so mad that it's hard to breathe. so tell me how do you expect me to talk about my demons when they're sitting on my lungs:

i taste the bitter in every sweet
no relief
i see the end of every beginning
spinning into despair
too much care
feeling everything and nothing absolutely
resolutely in pin
gain always outweighed by loss
a toss between worth it and pointless
joyless existence
and yet persistence to live
why am i still fighting a battle i know is lost
a cost too dear i keep paying
praying that this time there won't be so much pain
feeling like i'm going insane
how am i still breathing?
still bleeding when i've already spent every tear i could hold
"it gets better" so i'm told
there is no "new day"
only a new way to hurt
burnt by hope's empty vow
now crushed with the weight of dreams unfulfilled
instilled with trust
now left to rust
i must be broken for these words i have spoken
are too bitter
verbal litter never meant to be said
instead meant to be buried
carried as an invisible weight
the secret fear of our fate
always present but never addressed
unconfessed fear, hopelessness, and rage
the unwritten on every page
because it's easier to fake a smile than to try and explain tears
years spent creaking a mask
and you ask why i'm quiet?
because i'm afraid the riot in my head
will turn my words to lead
verbal bullets: a bleeding out of the war raging within me
you call it sin in me to be this miserable
call my suffering fictional
call me self-centered
so don't be surprised when i am self-censored
i am already worn from fighting my own guilt and accusations
so i don't have strength left to meet your high expectations

Wednesday, May 18, 2016



an ocean
constantly rearranging
a trickle at times
at others a flood
spilling blood
life's veins torn
worn with time
spilling, filling
simultaneously endless and finite
dark night
changing moon, so many faces
no homeostasis
a constant imbalance
reliance on the enigmatic
charged static
felicity: an ideal
not real
nothing to feel no point
a truth, forsooth
no such thing as absolute
shades of grey 
no way to know for certain
a curtain
fluttering between reality and dream
a seam ripped
a coin flipped
a choice
a voice in your fate
not too late
to choose
be your own muse
pick up your pen
write a new end 
or a new beginning
winning is not about when you start but how you finish
don't diminish belief in magic
tragic when we decide that fantasy and reality don't coincide
denied the right to make our own way
to stray down the paths that straddle the line between the substantial and the fanciful
radical worlds that they say we cannot coexist in
persist in your belief that flowers are fairies in disguise
surprise yourself with your sensibility
sensitivity to the beauty and the pain around you