Time to open up your eyes
The demons are out to play
Pulling you under with icy fingers
It's time to face the shadows
It's time to hold on, little angel
Time to anchor down
The storm is getting stronger
Beating you back into the waves
It's time to cling to something firm
It's time to be strong, little angel
Time to bear your scars
The pain is growing now
Flowing through your veins
It's time to try and stand
It's time to fight, little angel
Time to draw your weapon
The demons are baring their teeth
Roaring in your ears
It's time to go to war
It's okay to be afraid, little angel
Your demons aren't just your imagination
The world can be a shitty place
Full of brokenness and pain
It's okay to want to hide
It's okay to be hurting, little angel
Your pain is real and valid
Let yourself feel the anguish
You don't need to hide it all away
It's okay not to be fine
It's okay to be sad, little angel
Grief is not a sin
Let the tears start the healing
You don't always need to smile
It's okay to cry
It's okay to be broken, little angel
You don't need to hold it all together
Let yourself bleed and break
You don't always need to fix yourself
It's okay to fall apart
It's okay to be downhearted, my darling
Just know you are not alone