Sunday, August 16, 2015

Girl Who Reads

I am the girl who reads
The girl who always carries at least one book in her purse.
The girl who is a pain to watch movies with because she complains about how it's not like the book.
The girl who spends hours in a bookstore or library, wandering through the aisles just enjoying the atmosphere.
The girl who stays up late trying to read "just one more chapter" and can't keep her eyes open the next morning.
The girl who has her nose buried in a book instead of a cellphone.
The girl who brings a book everywhere in case she has a spare minute.
The girl who smells the pages and gets high off the old, musty scent.
The girl who has cried more over fictional characters than about real life stuff. 
The girl who walks out of a bookshop or library with books clutched close to her chest and a big grin on her face.
The girl who winces at people who use e-readers or who say "I watched the movie."
The girl who cries as she watches her generation buried in their technology, slowly losing all imagination.
The girl who lives with her head in the clouds.
The girl who wishes book scent were a perfume.
The girl who inhales ink and paper, and breathes words and ideas. 
The girl who has lived, loved, lost, and learned in more lives and worlds than just her own.

I am the girl who reads
The girl who loves deep discussions about real things.
The girl who thinks for herself,
The girl who isn't afraid to cry.
The girl who feels things deeply.
The girl who sees the beauty in little things.
The girl who dreams and believes in magic.
The girl who is interested in people and loves to know what makes them tick.
The girl who feels for other people as if their pain was her own.
The girl who has an active imagination, a complicated mind, a caring heart, and a timeless soul.
The girl who isn't afraid to wander or get lost because she knows its all just part of the journey. 

I am the girl who reads.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

The Gift of Pain

She was broken
So she could see 
The cracks 
In someone else's heart

She was hurting
So she could see
The pain 
In someone else's eyes

She was hiding tears
So she could see
The tracks 
On someone else's cheeks

She was lonely
So she could see
The isolation
In someone else's stance

She wasn't okay
So she could see
The shadows
On someone else's face

Her smile
was so bright
Because she knew
How tears can ache

Her words
were so tender
Because she knew
How harsh they can be

Her heart
was so giving
Because she knew
How it felt to be without

She realized
is a gift

When we hurt
We see 
the pain of others
We understand
We care

Our brokenness 
doesn't have to
destroy us
Our brokenness
can make us

Tuesday, August 4, 2015


I thank God everyday b/c those broken pieces are molding me into my true destiny from a beautiful beautiful gorgeous dream where in her eyes I saw a mission that will hopefully be of Help!!! Amen!!!

Her heart is bruised
Scars not yet healed
Red, blue, black
Jagged lines
Open wounds

A tear quivers
Like a diamond
On her eyelash

Her thin, trembling hands
Clasped tight
Cradle her chest

She shivers
Quavering on her weakened legs
She stands

Her dim blue eyes
Blurred by tears and pain

She unfolds her hands 
A flower
Lays in her palm
A dark
Once brilliant

She holds it

She lifts it
To her lips
A kiss

The tear
The flower shines

Another tear
Sparkling on her lash
Shining on her cheek

Cracked, red lips
Curving up

Dim eyes lighten

Purple heart

Painfully beats

As the flower

So slowly
Let's its azure petals spread
A tiny golden bud