We all have scars and wounds
Hurts we hide deep inside our hearts
Things we don't tell other people
Because it's too real to us
So how can we heal those hurts?
The ones we don't ever show?
Step one, admit
Admit that you're hurting
Don't try and pretend it's not there
Don't talk yourself down
Don't say you're crazy or foolish
If it hurts, it's real
It doesn't matter why
So face your pain
Admit it's there
Step two, breathe
Take a deep breath
Breathe out the confusion and hurt
Clear your soul and heart
Breathe in new air
Fresh air, new life
Just close your eyes
And breathe
Step three, pray
You don't have to say it out loud
You don't need to use words
You can draw
You can paint
You can write
You can sing
You can play a song
You can dance
Find your voice
And let out your hurt
Step four, cry
Let your emotions free
Don't stuff them down
Watch a sad movie
Listen to a sad song
Don't choke back the tears
Just let them out
Not all tears are bad
Step five, walk
It may sound dumb
But maybe try it
Go by yourself to somewhere quiet
A dirt road near your house
A hidden corner of a park
A quiet path at the reserve
Somewhere with just you
And walk
Savor the beauty around you
Let the breeze soothe you
Use nature's sweet salve
Step six, treat
Give yourself a gift
A favorite dessert
A nice movie
A bubble bath
A dress
Something just for you
A spoil yourself gift
And don't feel guilt
Because you've earned it
How did you earn it?
You got up
Step seven, compliment
Think about you
What makes you special?
Remember all those compliments
Nice words friends have said
Scroll through emails and old birthday cards
Make a list of things you like about yourself
Remind yourself that you are beautiful
You are special
Step eight, love
Say "I love you."
To yourself
To the girl in the mirror
To the reflection in the side of your car
Write notes on the wall
Put notes in the car
Make a playlist of love songs
Just for you
Step nine, see
Notice the little gifts in your day
Your favorite song on the radio
A smile from a stranger
A kind word from a friend
A bird singing outside your window
A flower on the side of the road
All little things
But all seeming to say, "I love you."
Step ten, share
Send a compliment to colleague
Put a note on someone's locker
Say thank you to a person who has helped you
Post something nice on someone's Facebook wall
Say "I love you" to a friend
Tell the girls their beautiful
Because you know how it feels
And you're learning how to heal
Step eleven, repeat