Friday, April 17, 2015

Girl in the Mirror

Looking in the mirror
Blurry image
Playing with hair
Studying face

Hair won't cooperate
Face is scarred
Shirt not right
Feeling ugly

Thinking about all those girls at work
With hair that falls just right
Simple clothes so stylish
And perfect make up

Watching your friend at school
So sweet and funny
Everyone loves her
Feeling envious and alone

Hating yourself
For feeling so jealous and insecure
Wishing you could be like her
Feeling unappreciated and invisible

At home in your room
Tears filling your eyes
Not even sure why you're crying
Just feeling so alone and confused

Why are you so jealous?
Why do you feel so alone?
Is it all imagined?
Are you just crazy?

You wonder if you'd be missed
You wonder if people ever wish you were there
You wonder if your friends really like you
You wonder if you are really worth it

Lift your head
Look in the mirror
See those tears?
They're real
Those emotions and that confusion?
Real too
But you know what else?

That girl in the mirror?
She's beautiful

Not for her clothes
Not for her makeup
Not for her jewelry

But for her gorgeous smile
Her dazzling dreams
And her precious heart

Her smile is beautiful
Her dreams are beautiful
Her courage is beautiful
Her wit is beautiful

Love that girl in the mirror
Love that little scar on her chin
Love those hairs that never do what she wants
Love those eyes that show her heart

Love her style, the way she expresses her personality
Love her interests, her music, her writing, her dance

Love her stupid obsession with that TV show
Love her silly little habits
Love her stupid journal entries
Love her failed selfies

Love her imperfections
Love her vulnerability
Love her stubbornness
Love her OCD

Love her wit
Love her ability to feel
Love her individuality
Love her taste

Love her sexy imagination
Love her innocence
Love her courage
Love her dreams

Love her unique voice
Love her wild laugh
Love her crooked smile
Love her glittering tears

Love that girl in the glass
Love who she has been
Love who she will be
Love who she is 
Because life starts
With loving that girl in the mirror