Sometimes I feel invisible
As if every part of me is transparent
And people don't even realize I'm there
Sometimes I feel broken
As if my heart has shattered into splinters
And will never be whole again
Sometimes I feel worthless
As if I make no difference to anyone
And my life means nothing
Sometimes I feel hurt
As if my friend had stabbed me through the heart
And didn't even know that they hurt me
Sometimes I feel lost
As if all is dark and my path has vanished
And I have nothing to guide me home
All these feelings are real
Whether the premises are true or not
I feel all these things and more
But I'm a stronger person for it
I don't always believe that I am good
I don't always believe I am important
I don't always believe I am valued.
I don't always believe I am skilled
But I know that I am special
Even if I don't always believe it
Everyone is important
Even if we don't realize it
I am sparkling
I am a beautiful human being
With an amazing ability to shine
I am strong
I am capable of overcoming obstacles
And I can do impossible things
I am valuable
I am loved by my friends and family
And I am unique, able to change the world
I am healing
I do feel hurt but I am getting stronger
And these scars make me who I am
I am a wandered
I may not always know where I am going
But that is just a part of the adventure
We are beautiful
We each have a light to shine
And can do amazing things
We are all special and important
So believe in who you are
Don't ignore how you feel
Your emotions are part of what make you
But remember no matter how you feel
Who you are is indestructible