Warm smiles
Tender hugs
Affectionate tone
Friendly gazes
Teasing remarks
Inside jokes
Playful smacking
Dirty looks
Kind words
Encouraging compliments
Bantering discussions
Special nicknames
Late night talks
Comfortable silence
Long discussions
Fond teasing
Messy fights
"Veiled" annoyance
Bitter thoughts
Bitten tongues
Sorry hearts
Sincere apologies
Willing forgiveness
Peace restored
Love weathers
Good times and bad
Love that is true
Anchors in a storm
Friends and family are the best valentines
Their love is the truest
Their love is the steadiest
Their love is the closest
Their love is the oldest
Their love is the messiest
Their love is the queerest
Their love is the dearest
Boyfriends and girlfriends come and go
But friends and family hold your heart
Forever more